söndag 20 oktober 2013

To use or not use blogs in education?

How and where could I use a blog for the students I have or in the classes I teach? What are the pros and cons?

Looking at the classes I participate in as a teacher, I particularly see periods where students are in their clinical training as an excellent place for them to journal their experiences; the successes, the challenges, the questions.

All students have instructors at the division either mentors or the lecturer responsible for that particular ward or clinic that could follow-up their posts. At the moment we merely meet the students at their mid-clinical assessment in an approximately one-hour conversation. Although we follow a standardized questionnaire for the assessment, I can sometimes miss the ability to see the students' developments during the clinical training. Journaling would also enable them to have access to stories or exemplars that easily slips one's mind when having the conversation.

1 kommentar:

  1. Jag tycker att blogg som en loggbok under VFU skulle vara ett bra processverktyg för såväl student som handledare och lärare på lärosätet. Och det skulle säkert underlätta för studenterna. Vi har försökt att erbjuda studenterna att skriva loggbok på Danderydsgeriatriken för att de ska tydliggöra sitt lärande över tid. Men loggboken har varit papper och penna - inget för dagens iPhone studenter. Så det har inte varit så lyckat.
